WOW Episode 124 "Loser Eats Dog Food" Review
The losing team eats dog food? Well, not exactly in this episode but it did the opening for a follow-up and potential blow off match. Given those circumstances did this episode deliver what you wanted and/or expected? How were the undercard matches on the show? Did the Chainsaw - Angelica Dante' segment excite you for what's next? We'll be discussing all those things and more on this weeks podcast review! Tune in!
0:00:00 - Show Open 0:08:48 - News, Views and Updates 0:40:53 - WOW Show Open (Classmaster & Samantha Smart promo segment) 0:46:25 - Miami Sweet Heat (w/Lana Star) vs Chantilly Chella & Kalaki "The Island Girl" 1:08:02 - The Brat Pack vs The Fierce Sisters 1:27:34 - Chainsaw (w/Angelica Dante') vs Crystal Waters 1:51:40 - Recap video Animal Instinct / Big Rigs & Bourbon feud 1:54:55 - The Sibley Scoles dog food pitch 2:00:50 - Next Episode preview (Princess Aussie vs The Classmaster) 2:01:23 - Animal Instinct vs Big Rigs & Bourbon (Dog Food Match) 2:36:56 - Voting results for WOW episode 2:38:37 - Reddit Post reading (Subject: Who do you want to see more and less?) 2:54:53 - Next Episode Rundown/Show Outro
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